Saturday, July 28, 2007



'Tis "perfect peace" our Savior gives To all who lean on Him.In turmoil, pain, and sickness His eye is never dim. He clothes the lilies of the field, He cares for every bird;Our very hairs are numbered,'Tis written in His Word.
'Tis "perfect peace" our Savior gives, When trust in Him is laid. Tho' trials come, rest in Him; He said, "Be not afraid,I will ne'er leave nor forsake thee,I came to give thee rest,Then come to Me, ye weary Lean on my loving breast..."
'Tis "perfect peace" our Savior gives; Ah, dear friend, 'tis for you,Tho storms may rage and testings,His Word is ever true. Tho' darkness comes, the sun still shines Above the darkened way, And God above will give the grace To help you through the day.
'Tis "perfect peace" our Savior gives, And when the trial is o'er And you've come forth victorious You'll praise Him more and more; You'll tell of Christ, your constant Friend And of His watchful care; Then joy unknown will answer Your witness everywhere.
Author Unknown To Me

Dear Lord Jesus I thank you for the perfect peace You give to me and to all of us who trust in You. Be with those who visit this forum today and bless them Lord Meet their every need Father and let them feel your peace too. Jesus I love you so much and lift You up and give You glory for all that You have done in my life and for what You are going to do in the future. Let Your anointing flow over this forum and send revival I pray In Jesus' Name, Amen .~

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